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27 January 2021 - 28 January 2021
ARE Technology & Innovation Forum

Organised by

The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE)

The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) is an international business association with the aim to promote a sustainable decentralised renewable energy industry for the 21st century, activating markets for affordable energy services, and creating local jobs and inclusive economies. ARE enables improved energy access through business development support for more than 170 Members along the whole value chain for off-grid technologies.

Supported by


GET.invest is a European programme which supports investments in decentralised renewable energy. The programme targets private sector business and project developers, financiers and regulators to build sustainable energy markets in developing countries. Services include market information, a funding database, matchmaking events and access-to-finance advisory. The programme is supported by the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria, and works closely with initiatives and business associations in the energy sector. 

GET.invest is supported by

Strategic partners

Energy Catalyst accelerates the innovation needed to end energy poverty. Through financial and advisory support, and by building strategic partnerships and uncovering new insights, Energy Catalyst helps bring to market technologies and business models that can improve lives in Africa and Asia.



Closed since 28 January 2021
Organised by
Germany 98
United Kingdom 87
United States 64
Nigeria 63
Kenya 59
France 49
Belgium 36
Italy 30
India 28
Spain 27
South Africa 23
Netherlands 22
Senegal 20
Switzerland 20
Uganda 18
Ethiopia 16
Ghana 15
Zambia 13
Côte d'Ivoire 12
Mozambique 11
Rwanda 11
Benin 11
Philippines 10
Brazil 10
Malaysia 10
Peru 10
Norway 9
Tanzania, United Republic Of 9
Malawi 9
Zimbabwe 8
Madagascar 7
Austria 7
Australia 7
Tunisia 6
Morocco 6
United Arab Emirates 5
Angola 5
Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The 5
Israel 5
Indonesia 5
Canada 5
Mali 5
Burkina Faso 5
Finland 4
Greece 4
Denmark 4
China (Hong Kong) 4
Czech Republic 4
Chile 4
Niger 4
Botswana 4
Mexico 4
Portugal 4
Nicaragua 4
Sweden 4
Cambodia 4
Togo 3
Myanmar 3
Cameroon 3
Thailand 3
Bangladesh 3
Japan 3
Ukraine 3
Somalia 3
Iraq 3
Haiti 3
Colombia 3
Suriname 2
Guinea 2
Nepal 2
Romania 2
Singapore 2
Sierra Leone 2
Pakistan 2
China 2
Papua New Guinea 2
Guatemala 2
Poland 2
Argentina 2
Slovakia 2
Luxembourg 2
Ireland 1
North Macedonia 1
Estonia 1
Dominican Republic 1
Croatia 1
Congo 1
Djibouti 1
Lesotho 1
Sri Lanka 1
Namibia 1
Jordan 1
Lebanon 1
Ecuador 1
Uruguay 1
Western Sahara 1
Syrian Arab Republic 1
Egypt 1
Palestine 1
Cape Verde 1
Algeria 1
Tajikistan 1
Yemen 1
Latvia 1
Comoros 1
Mauritania 1
Mauritius 1
Trinidad And Tobago 1
Eswatini 1
Total 1022